งานวิจัย : ผลกระทบทางจิตวิทยาของการเปลี่ยนแปลงสู่สังคมอุตสาหกรรมต่อเยาวชนไทยและญี่ปุ่น
Psychological Impact of Industrialization on Thais and Japanese.
โดย :
บทคัดย่อ ภาษาอังกฤษ

    The present study was an attempt to determine the comparability of the impact of industrialization on psychological factors of Thais and Japanese. 436 Japanese and 444 Thais youths were sampled from a school in the high and low industrialized area both in Japan and Thailand. That is, Kobe and Bangkok were the high industrialized area, while Wadayama and Yasotorn were the low one. In this study, the levels of industrialization, sex and family backgrounds were the independent variables, child - rearing practices were the intervening variables, and moral reasoning, attitude and value were the dependent variables. By using many techniques of parametric statistics, factor analysis, and multivariate analysis, on the data of Thai and Japanese samples have been analysed.
The main findings were : (1) there are differences regarding facilitating and inhibiting factors of the changes toward an industrial society between Thailand and Japan. That is, the level of industrialization of Thailand is very much lower than Japan's although.,the GDP of Thailand and Japan are in the same growth rate, there are only small number of Thai people in the industrial sector. As a result, education, culture and personality of Thai people are still not appropriate to industrialization. (2) In Thai society the love - oriented and reasoning - oriented practices are emphasized, while the self - control - oriented practice is emphasised in Japanese society. Moreover, Thai data revealed the Yasotorn youths scored the love - oriented practice higher than Bangkok, but the difference was not found between Kobe and Wadayama youths. (3) The average Japanese youths reach stage 3 morality of maintaining good relations and approval of others whereas Thais reach stage 4 morality of maintaining authority and socail order. However, both are in the conventional morality. In addition, there was no effect of industrialization on moral reasoning in Japanese sample but there was in Thai. (4) The attitude toward industrial society of both japanese and Thais is in the range of partly agreement, but Thai's attitude is better than Japanese's. (5) Thai youths scored the work value higher than Japanese, but the average scores of both were in the range of agreement. In addition, the data revealed that only Thai mother of higher education showed the high correlation between moral reasoning and work value. (6) The correlation between love - oriented and reasoning - oriented practices could be found in all - independent variables. The highest correlation of these two varisbles were found in Thai youth whose mother had higher education. The reasoning - oriented and self - control oriented were the significant predictor of work value at 12% for Wadayama males, and the reasoning - oriented practice was at 12% for both sexes group. The love – oriented practice was the significant predictor of work value at 12% for Bangkok males, but the reasoning – oriented practice was at 11% for Yosotorn males. The other variables could predict lower than 10%. Moreover, the results of factor analysis and multivariate analysis revealed that child – rearing practices affected youths’ moral reasoning. That is, for Thai youths high reasonable scolding and low laissez – faire contributed to high moral reasoning high providing support and love contributed to low moral reasoning. For Japanese youths high reasonable scolding, understanding children’s standpoint, and high respect of autonomy and volition contributed to high moral reasoning. Three important recommendations based on the results from this study a prompted. First, reasonable scolding, and respect for autonomy are volition should be emphasized for child – rearing practice in an industrial society. Secondly, programs for the development of morality and work value should be carried out in school activities so that youths can develop their morality and work value. Thirdly, in order to discover more obvious correlation between objective factors and moral reasoning, the other socializing agents such as the influence of peer groups, school teachers, and mass media should be the subject of the next study.