งานวิจัย : สภาพการพัฒนาหลักสูตรสถานศึกษาของโรงเรียนนำร่อง: กรณีศึกษาโรงเรียนบ้านห้วยหนองจันทิ
School-Based Curriculum Development of Pilot School : A case Study of Ban Nong Huay Chanti School
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บทคัดย่อ ภาษาอังกฤษ

The purpose of this research was to study cognition, process, and pattern in curriculum development of Educational Institute Ban Nong Chanti School, Chaiyapoom Province. This research was a case study. The instruments were questionnaire, Focus Group and Documentary Report.
The findings found that the Educational Institute used curriculum developmental process as the steps relevant to guideline of the Department of Academic. Ban Nong Huay Chanti had a pattern of implementation: 1) Public Relation and Awareness Development Step: appointing the Educational Committee, working group of curriculum development etc. 2) Planning Step: determining vision, objective, and desirable characteristic of students by participation of the Educational Institute Committee, community, caretaker, administrator, and school personnel, 3) Implementation Step: representative of every group of teachers participated in determining learning achievement and producing learning media, 4) Applying Step: bringing learning management plan to try out with Pratom Suksa 1 and Pratom Suksa 4 students, 5) Evaluation Step: using school curriculum to organize inside supervision informally by school administrators who supervised and gave advice. Besides, the school leader teachers also participated in creating collegiality, sharing their knowledge with each other in a friendly manner.