งานวิจัย : การศึกษาพัฒนาการเรียนรู้ด้านผลสัมฤธิ์ทางการเรียนวิทยาศาสตร์และความคงทนด้านทักษะกระบวนการทางวิทยาศาสตร์โดยวีธีสอนแบบสืบเสาะที่มีขั้นสรุปผลการทดลองแตกต่างกัน พ.ศ. 2531
โดย : รองศาสตราจารย์วิมล สำราญวานิช
บทคัดย่อ ภาษาอังกฤษ

   The purposes of this research were to study the student ‘s science learning development and there retention of knowledge in science process skill between 2 groups of 92 secondary school student from form the demonstration school of the faculty of Education Khon Kean Uversity in 1986. The the first group 53 students who had higher achievement score in science and the other group of 39 students.; both groups were divided into 3 subgroups and taught by Inquiry Method

(1) The students learned science through their inquiry method which the student made their own conclution in the post lab discussion
(2) The students learned science through their inquiry method as well but emphasis was place at an interaction between students and teacher in making conclusion in post lab discussion
(3) The students learned science through inquiry method which the teacher played a major role in making the conclusion in the post lab discussion.
The research tools used in this study were :
(1) The teacher’s manual and the study text book on the topic of “ the transformation and comunication “
(2) The achievement test on the same topic and
(3) The science process skill achievement test.
The results of the study indicated that the student who had. Higher achievement score in science and the other group and between the student who had higher achievement score in science and the other had greater learning development in science achievement test and retention in science process skill was not significantly different at .05 level.