งานวิจัย : แนวทางการจัดศูนย์การเรียนตามพระราชบัญญัติการศึกษาแห่งชาติ พ.ศ. 2542 ในประเทศไทย
Strategies for the Organization of Learning Resource Centers under the 1999 Education Act in Thailand
โดย :
บทคัดย่อ ภาษาอังกฤษ


The objectives of this research were to identify the types and the organizations of learning resource centers under the1999 Education Act in Thailand and to specify the appropriate approaches for the government concerning accreditation and supports for the centers.
Population in this study included learning resource centers in every region in Thailand. Seventy centers were randomly selected and investigated as case studies. In order to obtain information related to the learning centers, the framework from CIPP Model was applied. Focus group discussion and semi-structured interview was used to obtain information related to guidelines for accreditation and supports from the government. All stake holders : administrators, educators, superintendents and learning centers organizers were included in the sample group. The data were analyzed by using content analysis. The organizations and types of learning resource centers were classified and characterized.

1. There are two types of learning resource centers.
1.1 Centers that were not under government sponsorship but organized basic curriculum and vocational skills provision. This group of centers was covered under article 18 (3) of the 1999 National Education Act.
1.2 Centers neither, under government sponsorship, nor, providing a basic education program. There were two types :
1) Centers which aimed to help people to develop their minds and bodies to reach full potential .
2) Centers aiming at providing knowledge- including sciences and environment, cultivating preserving art and culture, raising awareness about the relationship between human beings and their environment.
2. Approaches that the government should take for accreditation and to support learning resource centers were as follows :
2.1 The first group of centers, under article 18 (3) of the 1999 National Education Act, were entitled to grant diplomas according to their educational level. However, the government should provide supports for personnel development and necessary resources for them to fulfill the philosophy of their centers.
2.2 The second group of centers was not under article 18 (3) so the government should take following roles :
1) Support these centers so they are sustainable and are accepted as learning resource for society.
2) Support these centers with various forms of educational technology.
3) Encourage the centers to conduct research for their own development.
4) Educational institutes should accept these centers as their learning network.
5) Establish public funds for supporting activities of these centers.
6) Allow the centers to share existing resources with government educational institutes.
7) Deduct tax or exempt taxes for individuals or organizations who provide learning resource centers. Promote learning network among these centers.
3. For accreditation the government should encourage these centers to set their own standard and indicators so that they can accredit their students. Also the government should establish a committee for evaluating these centers which should include local expert and representatives from local educational institutes. The above- measures should be applied when needed only.
4. Make public relation so the society acknowledge and be aware of the important roles of the learning resource centers.