งานวิจัย : การใช้เวลาในการปฏิบัติงานของอาจารย์พยาบาล
Utilization of time for the Performance of duties by the Nursing Staff
โดย :
บทคัดย่อ ภาษาอังกฤษ

   The aim of this research project is to critically examine the utilization of time by nursing lecturers in Faculty of Nursing, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand, with respect to academic – related tasks, i.e. classroom teaching, praparation for classroom teaching, clinical supervisino, research, producing teaching materials including text books and non – academic relatec tasks whcch were specially assingned by the faculty.
A questionaire had been designed using both closed and opinended questions. It had been tested and revised before distribution to the subjects. The Subjects used in this study were 29 nursing lecturers ( 82.56 % of the total working during June 1977 to May 1978 )

The results revealed that :
1. Hours used in both classroom and laboratory teaching through out the year; first, second and summer semester; maximum hours was 67, minimum hours was 14 and in average was 28 hours.
2. Number of days in clinical supervision; maximun was 51, minimus was 32 nad in average was 42 days.
3. Research and producing of teaching materials; there had been 2 research projects conducted and 26 printed articles used in teaching produced.
4. Specially assinged tasks which were non – academic in nature, and mainly social and professional services; it was found there was a great difference in the number of tasks giver. The highest number of tasks assigned to one lecturer was 13 where as the lowest was nil.