งานวิจัย : ผลการใช้วิธีเรื่องราวทางสังคมกับนักเรียนออทิสติกในการรับรู้ด้านอารมณ์
Effect of Social Stories Method Utilization For Autistic Student In Emotional Perception
โดย : อาจารย์สาวิตรี วงศ์กิติรุ่งเรือง
บทคัดย่อ ภาษาอังกฤษ

   The objectives of the study are 1) to find effect of social skill teaching as resulted by social stories method 2) to compare social skill of the autistic child between pre and post experimental.
The target group is the autistic child who is disable in social skill, non – verbal abilities and male of Pratomsuksa VI autistic student. The experimental was carried on the 2006 First Semester at the Research and Development Center of Autistic Inclusive Education Demonstration School Khon Kaen University Faculty of Education,Khon Kaen University by using purposive sampling The research instrument are the Social Stories Teacing Method, Emotional, Other Perception Ability and the media on Social Stories Teaching Method, including pictures with attached sentences which each set consists of happy story, sorry story, angry story and frightening story which developed by the researchers from documents, thories and concerned research results for collecting data.

The results
It was found that the autistic child who was taught by social stories method gained better on other social emotion including happiness, sorry, anger and frighten. In comparing the pre and post experimental, it was found that the autistic child under study gained the testing score from 36 % for pre experimental to 76.67 % for post experimental which is better.

Key words : social story, social skill of autistic child