§Ò¹ÇԨѠ: Chaijaroen, Sumalee. (2547).The Development of Knowledge Construction Model of the Students using Information Technology In The International Forum on Education Reform: Learner-centered Approach towar
The Development of Knowledge Construction Model of the Students using Information Technology


This study aimed to 1) design and develop the knowledge construction model by using information technology 2) examine the learners’ knowledge construction 3) explore the learners’ opinionaire toward information technology. The target groups were 20 undergraduate students, who were enrolled in 212 300 instructional media and 50 students 215 242 who were enrolled in Social studies for elementary teachers 2, for a total of 70 students during the first semester, 2003 academic year, Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen university. Document analysis and qualitative approach emphasized on protocol analysis and analytic description and in-depth interview were employed in this study. The findingare as follows:
1) The learners’ knowledge construction or mental models
It can be clarified that the learners’ knowledge construction or mental models, which they were constructed in their learning processes by using information technology. It can be analyzed and explained according to Jeroen J.G. van Merriënboer (1997), which classify them into 2 types such as Declarative Knowledge and Procedural Knowledg. The results revealed that a) The knowledge construction as Declarative Knowledge, three types of schemas could be found; (1) Complex schema, that the learners can be connect the relationships between cognitive units.
(2) General Schema that the learners can be explained the details and summarize into general. (3) Abstract Schema, three types of this schema could be found, such as Conceptual Model, Plan or Script, Causal Model. It may be suggested that its cause could be from learning with the Constructivist web-based learning environments which encouraged knowledge construction by students themselves especially, problem bases with ill-structure and learning task activating the learners’ higher-order thinking.
In addition, the results also revealed that Procedural Knowledge that the learners constructed were different depend on their style of learning. Moreover it illustrated the action of the learners’ knowledge construction, for example beginning with activating to disequilibrium by allowing the learners encounter with the problem-bases and then they tried to make themselves into equilibrium by inquiry or discovery how to solve the problems by searching information from Data bank and other resources provided in the constructivist learning environments.
2) The learner’ opinions toward informationtechnology.
According to findings from the’ learners opinions both from the opinionnaire and an in-depth interview, learning from web-based learning environments was appropriate as following aspects: learning content, web-base design, designing of learning environments. As mentioned result, the learners acted and constructed learning process by themselves, moreover, provided opportunity in building a variety of alternatives in learning and problem solving both in classroom activities and real contexts as well as designing with combination of media attributions, especially attribution of hyperlinks consisting nodes of knowledge associating with node of other kinds of knowledge without boundary can be supported knowledge construction of the learners.