งานวิจัย : ผลของการใช้รูปแบบการเรียนรู้แบบการมีส่วนร่วมที่มีต่อความพึงพอใจในการเรียนวิชาจิตวิทยาเบื้องต้นของนักศึกษาชั้นปีที่ 2 คณะเกษตรศาสตร์
The Effects of Participatory Leaning Model on Sophomore Agriculture Students' Satisfaction from Attending the Introduction to Psychology Class
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บทคัดย่อ ภาษาอังกฤษ


The purpose of this research were 1) to study the students' satisfaction on participatory learning model into Introduction of Psychology (Topic : Adjustment) 2) to intervene morality in adjustment and 3) to increase ability of using IT.
The subjects were 46 second year Agriculture students who registered on 213 111 Introduction of Psychology in second-semester in academic year 2547.
The research instruments consisted of 1) lesson study plan (Topic : Adjustment) 2) the satisfaction scales, with-reliability at .82 3) the opinion questionnaires 4) the observation record of student's behaviors and 5) the record of students ……
The lesson study plan was conducted 2 sessions at the first phase. Then collected data from the second to the fifth instrument. Percentage and content analysis were used for analysis data.
The results were as follows :
1. Participatory learning model satisfied the Agriculture students at nearly high and high degree (96.9%). The five high degree of satisfactions were given to classroom atmosphere (81.1%), team working and listening other one's opinion (76.7%), knowledge application into real-life (74.4%) and teacher's reinforcement.
2. The students' good opinion on participatory learning model was admiring this learning model because of friendly and joyful atmosphere, opinion changing, doing activities together, more understanding friends, assertive behavior training, knowledge application into real-life and stress relaxation and meditation were interesting.
The students' negative opinions on participatory learning model were ignoring the other one's presentation because of presentation preparing, less period of time for discussion in a small group, using a lot of time but getting less knowledge, being shy to present idea and act and no have chance to present in the large group.
3. The students' cooperation about learning activities was very good.
4. Four students were absent and four students were late in the first session and two students were absent and 3 students were late in the second session.
5. The students' cooperation about morality intervention activities was very good and students' ability of using IT was good, 27 websites were cited.
In summary, it was concluded that participatory learning model satisfied the Agriculture students at nearly high and high degree. Especially, most students were pleased with classroom atmosphere, team working, listening the other one's opinion, knowledge application into real-life and teacher's reinforcement at high degree. In this point of view, participatory learning model is likely to give better outcome than lecturing by teacher because of friendly atmosphere in the classroom and students are encouraged to change their experiences to each other to reflectance discuss the ideas, to understand and make conceptualization and apply the knowledge in to the real-life. It is an active learning. Students have to do activities all the time. Therefore, if participatory learning model is going to be used effectively, choosing the appropriate content and clear explanation about the purpose of this learning model are important.