งานวิจัย : การพัฒนาบุคลากรในองค์การบริหารส่วนตำบลในภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ ด้านกระบวนการบริหารการศึกษาเพื่อเตรียม “ผู้แทนองค์กรปกครองส่วนท้องถิ่น” เป็นกรรมการในคณะกรรมการการศึกษา ศาสนา และวัฒนธรรม เขตพื้นที่การศ
Staff Development of a Sub-District Self-Management Organization in the Northeast, and the Educational Administration Process Preparing “Local Government Representatives” for Educational, Religious an
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บทคัดย่อ ภาษาอังกฤษ

   This research was carried out to study the preparation for the role of a representative of the local government in personnel educational administrative procedures for a sub-district self-management organization in the Northeast. The purposes were 1) to study the present situation, problems and needs of the educational administrative procedures in the sub-district self-management organization, 2) to develop the personnel in the sub-district self-management organization to prepare themselves to be the representatives of the local government in personnel educational administrative procedures. The research studied three groups of personnel in the sub-district self-management organization. This comprised 246 persons all of whom were chairpersons of the committee, chairpersons of the organization and the sub-district administrative organization permanent secretary. The seminar was conducted for 207 personnel. The training on educational administrative procedures was held for 65 personnel. The research tools were structured interview, questionnaires, test items. The statistics used were frequency distribution, percentage, means and standard deviation.

It was found that 72.37% of the personnel in the sub-district self-management organization at present had no direct educational experience( teachers or administrators ); 57.32% of personnel had no education experience ( school committee members ); 76.83% of personnel had no contact with the National Education Act 1999. The personnel had little understanding ( = 2.43 ) of local government organization representatives in the culture, religious and education committee in the education area according to the 1999 National Education Act. They had also little understanding of ( = 2.47 ) the education administration was rated as high ( = 4.44 ).

There were two phases in the procedures of developing the personnel in the sub-district self-management organization in order to prepare themselves to be representatives of local government in education administrative procedures : seminars and training.
2.1 The seminar sessions were conducted to give understanding to the personnel in the sub-district administrative organization on the role of the sub-district organization according to the 1999 National Education Act. It was found that 79.23% of the personnel never attended a seminar or a training session. They all needed development in educational administrative procedure and rated it as high ( =4.12 ).
2.2 The training on the educational administrative procedures was to develop the personnel in their preparation to become representatives of the local government in culture, religion and education in the education area according to the National Education Act 1999. A study tour was conducted in the training centers and it was found that 77.59% of the personnel had never been trained in the educational administrative procedures. Before the training, their understanding of the training session was ranked as low ( = 2.40 ). After the training session their understanding had been ranked as high ( =3.99 ). They rated =4.17 which meant “high” for the transfer of this knowledge in the future.

In the need to develop the personnel in the sub-district administrative organization on the education administrative procedure to prepare themselves to become representatives of the local government in education administrative procedure it was found that 56.10% of the personnel needed workshop training, 79.68% expressed a wish to make some development locally, 73.99% expressed a wish to have the governing department responsible for the work, 43.90% of the personnel expressed a wish for two-day workshop or seminar and that 47.16% of the personnel said that the seminar should be divided into a group of 50 persons each. 87.69% of the personnel said that the study tour should last one day and that they ranked the need to go on a study tour as “high” ( = 4.61) for the development procedures. It was also found that the first three kinds of interests ranked according to their priority were : the relationship between schools and communities, students’ activities and academic topics ranked 75.39% , 70.77% and 67.69% respectively.