งานวิจัย : การบูรณาการการเรียนการสอนสิ่งแวดล้อมศึกษาในรายวิชา
An Integretion of Teaching and Learning Activities on Environmental Education in the Subjects
โดย : รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร.คงศักดิ์ ธาตุทอง
บทคัดย่อ ภาษาอังกฤษ

The purposes of this study were to study the outcomes of a training workshop and to develop participants’ capability in integration of environmental education into subjects. This project was a training project based on the principles of action research. The participants were 5 lecturers of Faculty of Education and 28 primary school teachers from 8 schools in Khon Kaen. This training project is highly interactive. Mini-lecture, group activities, exercises and presentation were used in this training project. Participants were required to work collaboratively. Participant observations, interviews, tests, questionnaires, journal writings, photographs were employed for data collection. Formative and summative evaluations were used to investigate the effectiveness of the workshops. At the end of training sessions, questionnaires and 10-item test were administered. A criterion score of passing is 6. At least 75% of participants should pass a test. It was found that 96.43% of participants passed two tests which indicated statistically significant higher than 75% of participants ( = 6.857, p < 0.05). The results also indicated that through a training project, the researchers and participants had developed team building, sharing, collaborative work and a sense of belonging. In particular, the participants had acquired skills in conducting classroom research about providing teaching and learning activities to improve their teaching. Moreover, the participants conducted research and presented their papers at the Second Conference in Educational Research on February 7, 2003 at the Faculty of Education. In addition, the participant indicated their satisfaction at the high levels both for an operation of workshops ( =4.026, SD=0.451) and activities used in the workshops ( =4.385, SD=0.0.417).