งานวิจัย : จริยธรรมสิ่งแวดล้อมศึกษาของครูไทย
Environmental Ethic of Thai Teachers
โดย : รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร.คงศักดิ์ ธาตุทอง
บทคัดย่อ ภาษาอังกฤษ

. This study was a survey research aimed to investigate teachers’ environmental ethics towards the environment. A sample consisted of 249 teachers (85 males, 164 females) from elementary (n=25), opportunity (n=71), secondary (n=31), and vocational (n=122) schools in the northeast of Thailand. The 34-item questionnaires were employed in this study. The first 10 items were categorized as an egocentric ethic, the next 15 items were asked about a homocentric ethic and the last 9 items were asked about an ecocentric ethic. Teachers were asked to commit themselves to a position, Yes/No, on each of the items. The data were analyzed using frequency and percentage. Chi-squares was used to explore association between environmental ethics and background of teachers. Compare the percentage of “Y” responses for each environmental ethic. The most percentage of section 1,2, and 3 for each individual was reported as egocentric, homocentric and ecocentric ethics, respectively. The results indicated that 3.2%, 28.1% and 68.7% of teachers were categorized as egocentric, homocentric and ecocentric ethics, respectively. There were associations between environmental ethics with sex and work experience.