งานวิจัย : การศึกษากระบวนการสิ่งแวดล้อมศึกษาที่เหมาะสมกับบริบทของโรงเรียนไทย
A Study of Suitable Environmental Education Process for Thai Schools Context
โดย : รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร.คงศักดิ์ ธาตุทอง
บทคัดย่อ ภาษาอังกฤษ


This is a qualitative research aimed 1) to study the environmental context of schools according to curriculum, policy and action plan; 2) to study strategies and procedures in providing environmental education activities; 3) to study problems and suggestions in practice of environmental education; 4) to summarize about environmental process of the schools in the Northeast; and 5) to suggest the guidelines for suitable environmental education process for Thai schools context. Focus group interview was used in this study for a sample of 20 schools from elementary, expanded opportunity, and secondary schools of Khon Kaen, Mahasarakarm, Roi-Ed, and Kalasin provinces. Key informants were 100 teachers and 140 students. Instruments used in this study were interview checklist and digital camera. Content analysis was used to analyze data.
The findings showed that 1) environmental issues were not directly addressed in school-based curriculum but were indicated in some subjects; 2) knowledge of students and people in a community about environmental education were at low level while teachers’ knowledge was at high level; 3) teachers’ awareness toward environmental education was at high level whereas the awareness of students and people in a community were at medium level; 4) levels of participation in environmental activities of teachers and students were at low level; 5) most of environmental projects and activities were initiated by the teachers; 6) most of environmental activities in schools were environmental projects; 7) a lack of environmental knowledge, awareness, and collaboration were major problems in providing projects for the environment apart from lacking of money allocation and necessary equipments.
In addition, 7 guidelines for the suitable environmental education process for Thai schools context were 1) environmental issues should be addressed in a vision of school-based curriculum, 2) environmental education should be indicated in school policy and action plan, 3) student-centered and integration instruction using community resource should be used in providing learning activities, 4) enhancement of self-directed improvement of teachers’ awareness toward environmental activities by providing a workshop and promotion of cooperation among stakeholders in school, 5) providing activities to develop the desired characteristics of the students and empowerment the students to launch the environmental projects by themselves, 6) physical environment of school should be decorated to be learning resource, and 7) a school superintendent should allocate personnel, time, money, and continuous support for environmental projects.