งานวิจัย : ความเข้าใจในการป้องกันตนให้พ้นจากยาเสพติดให้โทษของนักศึกษาครูในภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ.
Northeast Teacher College Students' Understanding of Drug Addiction Prevention.
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    The purposes of this study were (1) to study understanding of the causes of drug addition (2) to study among Teacher College students; knowledge of drug sources and the kinds of drugs. (3) to study how students avoid drugs. (4) to study how students try to cure themselves from being dependent on drugs.
The samples were 660 students at 8 Teacher College in the North East. The study was done in 1978 academic year. The questionaire used to solicit the students’ knowledge of keeping themselves from being drug addicted. The questionaire consisted of 29 items of multiple choice, rank order, and open ended question. Variable frequency count, cross tabulation, and Quisquaire test were used in the analysis of the data.

The result of this study:
1. Understanding of the causes of drug addition,
1.1 The student admitted that curiosity was the cause of drug addiction, Frequency of female admission of curiosity as cause of drug addiction was significantly higher than male students.
1.2 More student in the 15-18 years group admitted lack of information as the cause of drug addiction than other age groups.
2. Knowledge of sources of drug and kinds of drugs.
2.1 The respondents gave the names of cannabis, opium, heroin, as well as other stimulating drugs, analgesic, and sedative of hypnotic as addiction drugs.
2.2 The respondents indicated Cannabis was the most used drug, while heroin was ranked second.
2.3 Of the 46.7 percent of the students who had tried some drugs, the number of male students was significantly by this group of students were in the following order: analgesic, cannabis, sedative, opium, and stimulating drug.
2.4 The students indicated friend friends as the most influential factor that lead to drug addiction.
3. How students avoided drugs.
3.1 Of the 32.8 percent of students who had been persuaded by friends to try drug but never actually tried, the number of male addicts was significantly higher than female addicts.
3.2 The students in 3.1 indicated that if persuaded by friends to try drug, they would have to control themselves with their own will. The further believed that they could solve their own problems with out depending on drugs.
3.3 The students believed that they had not become a drug addict because of their self-confidence, by solving problems by reason, and resistence to pressure to conform.
3.4 The students indicated that mass media such as newspaper, radio, etc. were the main source of information from which they learned how to avoid being tempted to try drug.
3.5 In their attempt to lessen difficulty in daily life the students turned to their close friends more than any other persons, The member of female students in this category is significantly higher than male students.
3.6 The majority of students agreed that under the present social conditions it is easy to become a drug addict, while the remaining 35.2 percent of the students disagreed. The majority of students thought that parents should play an active role in solving the drug addiction problems.
3.7 Most of the students believed that the best way to cope with drug addiction problems was far the people to earnestly cooperate with the government. If people have the knowledge about drug sources, they should inform the police.
3.8 Most of the students believed that police illegal involvement in drug trade was the main obstacle to the eradication of drug problems.
3.9 Those students who believed that drug addiction could be solved indicated cooperative among government agencies as the only key to success.
3.10 Those students who believed that drug addiction could not be solved indicted that influential figures in the government bureaucracy directly involved in the drug trade and benefited from it financially.
4. Knowledge about curing oneself from drug addiction.
4.1 The students answered that if they find out that their friends had become drug addicted, they would try to persuade them to stop taking drug explaining the danger of taking it to them, and by giving them encouragement.
4.2 The students indicated that if they become a drug addict they would consult their doctor while at the same time they would have to build up their will power against the drug.
4.3 The students believed that the most important factor which contributed to the drug independence was far the addict to control their mind with strong will and never go back to the drug again.
4.4 The students believed that the best way to prevent oneself from becoming drug addict is not to try it because it is easy to get addicted but difficult to give up.