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   The purpose of this research was to study the participation and the systems for developing particication of committees and educational offices in the educational services area. The samples were 854 people comprising directors of educational areas, chairpersons of committees of educational areas, directors of educational institutes and directors of committees of northeastern educational institutes. Data collection was divided into two phases: 1) an informal interview using questionnaires; 2) brainstorming seminars. Data analysis was conducted using content analysis, standard deviation and percentage. The results of the research can be summarized as follows:
1. Administration participation in the educational area by committees and educational sections:
1.1 In academic areas, the participation by directors of the educational services area was rated as “much”. The participation of committee chairpersons was rated as “little”. The chairperson of the educational services area participation was rated as “average”.
1.2 Budget: The directors of the educational services area participated a lot and it was rated as “much” .
The chairpersons of the committees in the educational services area participated the least and was rated as “the least”; the directors of institutes participated the most and their participation was rated as “much”, whereas the chairpersons of the committee of the educational institutes participated at the “average” level.
1.3 Personnel administration: The directors of the educational area participated at the highest level; whereas the directors of the educational services area participated at the lowest level; The directors of the educational institutes participated a lot and were rated as “much”; the directors of institutions participated at the “average” level .
1.4 General administration: The directors of educational areas participated a great deal and were rated as “much”; whereas the chairpersons of the educational services areas participated “little”. The directors of educational service areas participated a great deal and were rated as “much”. The chairpersons of educational committees participated on the “average”.
2. The systems for developing participation in educational areas can be summarized as follows:
1. Expand and focus the vision for the administrators.
2. Build a horizontal structure of administration of educational areas so everyone can participated.
3. The process of recruiting personnel into this participation should be transparent.
4. Designate the role and mission of the four principle organizations with the support of laws.
5. Disseminate the power into educational institutes using the principles of administration as a foundation.
6. Arrange a seminar in order to educate all personnel on information science.
7. Stress the importance of social and financial compensation and related issues for the committees.